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Tender Detail
Tender ID : 8871 Invitation Reference No. : TA/DCPS/B-12/2021-2022/09
Closing Date and Time : 20-Aug-2021 14:00 Opening Date and Time : 20-Aug-2021 14:00
Procuring Agency : Dzong Construction Project, Sarpang Procurement Category : Goods
Brief :

Hiring of Heavy-duty vehicle and transportation of Construction materials for Dzong Construction Project, Sarpang 

View Notice
Bid Submission Closing Date is thirty (30) minutes prior to Bid Opening Date. For Tender Id: 8871 the Closing Date is 20-Aug-2021 14:00 and Bid Opening Date is 20-Aug-2021 15:00

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Procurement Management and Development Division (PMDD), Department of Procurement and Properties, Ministry of Finance, Royal Government of Bhutan
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